Friday, July 15, 2011

The Rainy Night ..

In a dark foggy  Night ...
the  unaccompanied moon 
lost somewhere
in amidst  of black clouds ..
lonely , sleepless and feared ,

in every single minutes 
some rare levils  startle it 
with howling  noise....

in this dark huge sky ..
wants a corner to hide 
to hide from fear ..
to hide from remorselessness
of nature ,or 
wants to run from it 

dismally sit down nd 
thinking about the stars ,
the restless soul of it 
crying for its world 

suddenly some drops 
touch its  surfece ..
moon  wondering  where 
the drops are coming from 
does moon  know world of stars 
grappling with ruthless night .

the ground ,mountains .and  trees .
who are seeking for  thrust  ... 
are glad and pleased
to have these pearls of their tears 
which making the Rainy night..!! 

- Vandana